Biden Voters Hate America.

William Sands
4 min readOct 30, 2020
engin akyert via Unsplash

In the days before the election, I want to cut through the clutter in attempt to understand my friends who are voting for the Biden/Harris ticket.

I personally know hundreds of these people across the country, including some of the most successful people you have heard of. All are fantastic people I love dearly and have been lifelong friends. Most are 100% sure their vote is the better option, yet not one of them mentions Joe Biden in proclaiming their support. Rather it is about Trump hatred and vacuous comments like “time to move on.” “Move on from what, exactly?, I ask. “The racism, hatred, scandals and tweets,” they say. Few can cite solid reasoning without the aid of a CNN-written biased diatribe. It’s amazing how many people have CNN videos and articles at the ready to fire out at me, as if they are incapable of forming their own thoughts and sentences.

So, I’m left with the question of “what does a vote for Biden/Harris really represent?” Other than the anti-Trump aspect, there’s this: Hatred of America.

· Federally-mandated shutdowns of schools, businesses, worship, and select businesses while swinging the doors open for cannabis shops, liquor stores and abortion clinics. Shutdowns will be “based on science” using cherry-picked data from government scientists like Dr. Fauci, who has proven to be mostly clueless and endlessly waffling regarding the Wuhan Virus since January. Science, however, is “dangerous and perhaps deadly” when it develops a vaccine under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. Shutdowns destroy the economy, ruin dreams and cause the explosion of our worst vices: alcoholism, drug use and violence.

· Ending America’s energy independence via the gradual banning of fracking and oil recovery because, according to Mr. Biden “it’s dirty and it pollutes.” Only under Trump has America gained its independence from OPEC and the rest of the world’s oil suppliers who could rankle the US economy at will by constricting our energy supply. Solar and wind will replace it eventually they say.

· The Green New Deal advocated by Biden, Harris and the leading progressive ideologues at its core is an unprecedented tax hike on American entrepreneurs, consumers and families. The cover of this book features a great green new world where everybody holds hands and breathes minty-fresh air, but inside it’s a true horror story: life as we know it ends and is replaced by authoritarian measures that restrict every freedom known to man.

· National Cancel Culture to crush any dissent and to define new and radical norms while defacing all American history and institutions. Wrecking statues and pounding The Girl Scouts into submission for a tweet congratulating Justice Amy Coney Barret’s ascension to the Supreme Court is only the beginning. The deranged, power-mad minority will club the rest of us into compliance with insane ideas like unlimited sexual orientations and American un-exceptionalism. Open a door for a woman and you are a misogynist!

· Continued indoctrination of college students via false, Anti-American agendas like the 1619 Project -which reframes the founding of America as an exercise in blatant racism from which we can never recover. Kids wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt used to be an ill-informed (and borderline child abuse) ode to radicalism of the past, but today is a religion. Marxism has found its way onto every college campus in the US and solid-minded conservative students are heckled, ostracized and face restricted opportunities. Comply or be destroyed is again the Biden voter’s favorite theme. Full proof of this indoctrination was found in the ongoing BLM protests which were largely driven by white, radical leftists from America’s richest zip codes with degrees from our most revered learning institutions. Resentment of America and masculinity seem to be one and the same. White men be damned unless you read from the script.

· Anti-Christian and Anti-Jewish intolerance will be an official policy rather than an unspoken prejudice. The goal is the erasure of all religion, save for the most radical anti-American, anti-homosexual brands of “the world’s most peaceful religion.” How long will it be before conservative Christian male homosexuals (of course they exist) are tossed from the top of the Chrysler Building? How long before Jews are placed in (high-speed and electric) trains for new green-energy sanctioned gas chambers in Montana? Like Donald Trump, Jesus Christ is just another old white guy who needs to be impeached and erased.

· Open borders, open prisons and lawlessness will be the law of the land. “Tear down that wall!” is the new rallying cry of the uninformed. Both Biden and Harris advocate the end of the border wall and any effort to stop illegal immigration on our Southern border. And once here, free health care and benefits for everybody! (Yet there will be no tax hikes on people making less than $400,000. C’mon, man!). No cash bails, abolition of most prisons because they are racist, and the continued dismantling of police departments nationwide will lead to a mess. The safety net will be removed for most, but none will be more affected than the poorest in crime and drug-laden inner cities. Isn’t life hard enough for these people? Prisons will solely exist for the future Truth Panels to hold Trump voters — and Trump himself.

A vote for Biden/Harris is “Death to America” as we know and love it. We’re not perfect and never have been, but we have a long history of driving ourselves and the world to be better and stronger. We have taken giant steps for all mankind, so let’s work together to create success for everyone via a peaceful, self-sufficient and booming country where dreams flourish.

I urge all Biden/Harris voters to reconsider, and all Trump/Pence supporters to seek to peacefully change minds via persuasion. And vote!

